New Civil Status Law Raises Concerns Over Identity Cards and HLP Rights

On 30 January, the Ministry of Administrative Development (MoAD) announced that 10,076 demobilised Syrian Arab Army soldiers had passed the employment exam taken by candidates for the two topmost tiers of public-sector work. While the employment pipeline directing demobilised soldiers into public service is not new, it has arguably never been more important in Syria’s modern history, and it is changing significantly.
Aleppo Council to Relocate Graves, Raising Concerns across Syria

On 24 February, Aleppo City Council announced that the remains of those buried in a park adjacent to Salah al-Din Mosque, in western Aleppo, will be relocated to the Modern Islamic Cemetery, east of Aleppo city, on 2 March, at the council’s expense. The Aleppo City Council called on those who have relatives buried in […]
Vaccination Progress and Concerns as Syria Joins COVAX

On 11 February, the World Health Organisation (WHO) announced details of the three-phase COVID-19 vaccination plan in Syria. The Government of Syria’s entry to the COVAX programme administered by the WHO marks the first and by far most important milestone to date in large-scale vaccination in Syria. However, major impediments will complicate equitable distribution, while […]
Sweeping Real Estate Sales Tax Reform Discussed

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Double Trouble: Southern Syria Erupts on Two Fronts

In-Depth Analysis Tensions in southern Syria have flared as violent eruptions in the governorates of Dar’a and As-Sweida demonstrate two variations on the same themes: chronic instability and state fragmentation. Protests broke out across As-Sweida Governorate after Military Security officials ran roughshod over communal sensibilities by insulting a prominent Druze elder, prompting intervention from the […]
Syria in 2021

Introduction As 2021 begins, humanitarian and development actors working on Syria must confront a host of new challenges. Donors, policymakers, and aid implementers assessing priorities for the year ahead may draw useful insights from the events of 2020. For much of the past year, conflict conditions in Syria were frozen, marking the longest period of […]
Damascus Flails as Syrians abroad Queue for COVID-19 Vaccine

Syria Update 25 January 2021 Download PDF Version Damascus Flails as Syrians abroad Queue for COVID-19 Vaccine In Depth Analysis ‘National sovereignty’ is the latest barrier to procurement of the COVID-19 vaccine in Syria, which continues to run up against ill-defined hurdles, even as state health authorities admit that a long-running second wave of infections […]
Syria Updates – Quamishli Clashes: GoS and SDF Seek Pressure Points

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Emboldened Self-Administration bids for greater power

Syria Update 11 January 2021 Download PDF Version Emboldened Self-Administration bids for greater power In Depth Analysis In a barn-burning statement published on 2 January, Ilham Ahmad, co-chair of the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC), laid out a bold 2021 agenda for the Self-Administration. Ahmad stated that the Self-Administration hopes to burnish its image “as the […]